Saturday, October 10, 2015

Rays of Sunshine

For the past week, I have been kind of laying low.  I have spent a lot of time reading, grading, and binge watching Season 3 of Parenthood.  Oh, that reminds me - I need to add Kleenex to the grocery list this week (I mean, do the Bravermans make me cry. Every. Single. Episode.)  It was just the perfect amount of relaxation and "me" time I needed to help heal myself body, mind, and soul. 

I can happily say that, with the exception of a couple of days, I have been feeling better and better every day.  One of the things I was worried about with losing my thyroid was feeling tired and lacking energy because that combo is no bueno when it comes to teaching 5th graders.  I have been super vigilant about how and when I take my medicine each day, so I'm hopeful that the doctor has chosen the correct dosage for me right off the bat.  

Today was the first day since surgery that I really crawled out from my hidey-hole and interacted with other human beings.  And it felt awesome!  I spent the morning with my teaching partner and our amazing students to view their animal habitat projects at the zoo.  It was so good to see them and hug them.  It made me super excited to get back into the classroom next week.  

Then, this afternoon, we decided that we couldn't let the gorgeous fall weather slip away from us, so we took the kids to the park and soaked up every drop of sunshine we could.  It refreshed my spirit and helped me to feel normal again.  It made me realize that, even when life seems gloomy, there are rays of sunshine that I have to focus on.  It's not always going to be easy, and I know I will lose my focus at times, but those rays will always be there.  Here are my rays.


  1. Parenthood is one of the best shows. I cried many times!
    We are so happy to have you back!

    1. Thank you, Courtney! I'm happy to be back :) We definitely need to chat about Parenthood. It is SOOOOOOO good!
